Benefits of Mayo Clinic Diet

Tilly Harris / February 18, 2025

The Mayo Clinic diet helps people lose weight and live a healthier life at the same time. With the help of the Mayo Clinic’s unique food pyramid, which focuses on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, people change their eating habits by giving up bad ones and taking up good ones. In general, these foods don’t have a lot of calories per gram, which means you can eat more of them without getting more calories. Think about it like this: You could eat about 2 cups of broccoli or a quarter of a Snickers bar for about the same number of calories. The Mayo Clinic diet is now available in 2023 with added interactive features, including an online program. The Mayo Clinic published their first of their three popular diets a few years ago. The new book is meant to help round out the phases of their other diets. Furthermore, people who are on the Mayo Clinic Diet can now use their online program, which has interactive parts and great new options like Mediterranean, vegetarian, healthy keto, and high-protein versions of the diet. Mayo Clinic’s Diet brainchild, Dr. Donald Hensrud, says that the basic ideas behind it haven’t changed, and don’t need to. He thinks that the reasoning and evidence behind it are strong and effective. Dr. Hensrud goes on to say that the changes have to do with how participants get the Mayo Clinic diet and how they use it in the end. Mayo Clinic has a new online program with interactive features that are meant to help people use the diet plan in the best way possible.

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The New Mayo Clinic Diet is Budget Friendly and Beneficial for People Suffering from Type 2 Diabetes

The Mayo Clinic published “The Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet” in 2013, which was a great success. The new version of the book on shelves in 2023 boasts a standard eating plan which is made for people with prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes. Its advice is all about lowering blood sugar and keeping it stable.

Benefits of the Mayo Clinic Diet include:

Family friendly
• Family members can easily all eat the meals together with little or no modification. And the food options are healthy and balanced enough for all ages

Budget friendly
• Foods for this diet are easy to find at a typical grocery and don’t require expensive or specialty food items
Vegan or vegetarian friendly
• Recipes can be easily modified for a vegan or vegetarian diet

Gluten-free friendly
• Recipes can be easily modified and still follow a gluten-free diet

Halal friendly
• Recipes can be easily modified and still follow the diet

Kosher friendly
• Recipes can be easily modified and still follow the diet

• This diet recommends lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains and healthy fats

• The diet encourages a moderate consumption of healthy fats, like olive oil, and discourages unhealthy fats, such as saturated fats with less than about 30% of total calories coming from fat

The Mayo Clinic Diet Promotes Foods That are Low in Calories, Good Fats and a Strong Focus on Fruit and Vegetables

People who want to follow the Mayo Clinic diabetes diet should know that it’s based on foods that are naturally high in nutrients and low in fat and calories. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are a big part of the diet.

Healthy carbs like fruit, beans, vegetables, whole-wheat flour, and wheat bran are recommended, as are fiber-rich foods like nuts and beans, fish that is good for your heart like salmon, mackerel, and tuna, and good fats like avocados, almonds, olives, and walnuts.

Advantages of the Mayo Clinic diet also include:

• Nutritionally sound
• Coaching and/or group support available
• Filling – it’s rich in high-fiber foods
• A clearly defined plan with recipes
• Has proven health benefits

The Mayo Clinic Diet is Proven to be Anti-Inflammatory and Good for the Health of Your Heart

Dr. Hensrud says that an analysis of more than 200,000 survey responses shows that most people who are thinking about signing up for the online program want to improve their health. The Mayo Clinic diet came in at number 9 on the list of the healthiest ways to eat.

• Dr. Hensrud says that there are no new findings about inflammation and food at this time. But research has shown that many of the foods in the Mayo Clinic pyramid, especially plant foods, can help reduce inflammation. Also, the diet discourages foods that cause inflammation, like red meat and sweets.

Heart disease
• The Mayo Clinic’s approach is in line with what most doctors agree is a heart-healthy diet. People think that the best way to keep cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart disease at bay is to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and not much saturated fat or salt.

• Most experts agree that the Mayo Clinic diet is the best way to prevent diabetes because it focuses on the right foods, warns against the wrong ones, and requires exercise.